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Health and Human Studies Track
Health and Human Studies Track
This track provides a foundation in the health sciences with a focus on social aspects of health care. It draws from courses in psychology and rehabilitation.
The track requires 12 s.h. of foundation course work and 18 s.h. of upper-level course work (courses numbered 3000 - 4999) offered by distance education.
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Foundation course work—Must complete 12 s.h.
- ASP:1800/CSD:1800/NURS:1800/ SSW:1800/TR:1800 Aging Matters: Introduction to Gerontology (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:1181/GHS:1181 Ancient Medicine (3 s.h.)
- GHS:2000/ANTH:2103 Introduction to Global Health Studies (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- HHP:2100 Human Anatomy (3 s.h.)
- HHP:2130 Human Development Through the Life Span (3 s.h.)
- HHP:2200 Physical Activity and Health (3 s.h.)
- HHP:2280 Cultural Competency in Health Promotion (3 s.h.)
- HHP:2310 Nutrition and Health (3 s.h.)
- HHP:2400 Fundamentals of Human Physiology (3 s.h.)
- MED:1100 Introduction to Health Care Professions (3 s.h.)
- PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology (3 s.h.)
- PSY:2301 Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- PSY:2401 Introduction to Developmental Science (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- PSY:2601 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology (3 s.h.)*NEW* effective Summer 2025
- PSY:2811 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology (3 s.h.)
- RELS:2260/GHS:2260 Hard Cases in Healthcare at the Beginning of Life (3 s.h.)
- RELS:2265/GHS:2265/ASP:2265 Hard Cases in Healthcare at the End of Life (3 s.h.)
- STAT:1020/PSQF:1020 Elementary Statistics and Inference (3 s.h.) OR PSY:2811 Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I (3 s.h.)
Upper-level course work—Must complete 18 s.h.
- ASP:3150 Psychology of Aging (3 s.h.)
- ASP:3170 Health and Aging (3 s.h.)
- BMB:3110 Biochemistry (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:3750 Medical and Technical Terminology (2 s.h.)
- CSED:4110 Psychology of Food and Mood (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- CSED:4113 Sleep, Sleep Deprivation & Sleep Disorders (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- CSED:4131 Loss, Death and Bereavement (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4173 Trauma Across the Lifespan (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4174 Positive Psychology (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4179 Sexuality Within the Helping Professions (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4185 Introduction to Substance Abuse (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4187/EDTL:4987 Introduction to Assistive Technology (3 s.h.)
- GHS:3035 Engaging in Global Health (1 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- HHP:3030 Lifestyle Medicine (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- HHP:3050 Obesity: Causes, Consequences, Prevention and Treatment (3 s.h.)
- HHP:3105 Anatomy for Human Physiology (3 s.h.)
- HHP:3300 Human Growth and Motor Development (3 s.h.)
- HHP:4390 Understanding Human Disease (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- HHP:4440 Physiology of Nutrition (3 s.h.)
- NURS:3740/ASP:3740/MED:3740 End-of-Life Care for Adults and Families (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:4143/STAT:4143 Introduction to Statistical Methods (3 s.h.) OR BIOS:4210 Introduction to Biostatistics (3 s.h.)
- PSY:3330 Childhood Psychopathology (3 s.h.)
- PSY:3620 Human Memory (3 s.h.)
- RSCI:4110 Vascular Anatomy (3 s.h.)
- SOC:3510 Medical Sociology (3 s.h.)
- SOC:4225 The Social Psychology of Leadership (3 s.h.)