Student Support

The UI offers a wide variety of resources to help you navigate through your degree. 

We encourage you to explore the information in this section to find areas that may be of benefit and interest.

Many of the resources you find here are also part of your online orientation. Please contact your academic advisor if you are unable find the support service you need here. 

Academic Tools

Tutoring and Help Centers

Student Life Resources


Technology Resources

Contact Technical Support

Information Technology Services

For assistance with: HawkID and password, ICON, email, software, login assistance, etc. 

Phone: 319-384-HELP (4357)
Online Chat: Help Desk Online Chat
Address: 2800 University Capitol Centre (2nd floor of the Old Capitol Mall)


Distance and Online Education Technical Support

For assistance with: Technology in online courses, media and video players, virtual meeting login, etc.

Phone: (319) 335-3925
Address:  2 West Jefferson, Room 30 Calvin Hall

DOE Technical Support Request Form

Please provide the following information:

  • your full name (and HawkID if you know it);
  • your contact information (phone number and email);
  • your computer type and operating system (e.g., PC or Mac; Windows 8, Windows 10, MacOS X 10.10, etc.);
  • your type of Internet connection (DSL, Cable, Fiber Optic, Wifi);
  • the primary browser you use (e.g., Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari);
  • location (Home, Work, Public Library, Internet Cafe, etc.);
  • a description of your problem (opening the sample file, downloading the software, and which type of file etc.)

General Study Skills


Mindset video

Watch (or rewatch) this 5-minute video to refresh your understanding of the Three Ms and related strategies you can use to boost your learning and academic success. In this first video, we introduce the Learning at Iowa program and the principles from cognitive science called the Three Ms. You will also learn about the differences between having a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.

Metacognition video

Watch (or rewatch) this 5-minute video to refresh your understanding of the Three Ms and related strategies you can use to boost your learning and academic success. In this video, you will discover how essential metacognition is in learning and explore the metacognition process.

Memory video 

Watch (or rewatch) this 5-minute video to refresh your understanding of the Three Ms and related strategies you can use to boost your learning and academic success. In this video, you will learn about how memory works and about strategies for building stronger memories.

Learning How to Learn: Tips for Successful Students

Prep like a pro (Mid-Term Study tips and workshops)

Midterm study tips (Video)

Transform your learning: Make study groups work for you

Effective time management 

5 ways to reduce distractions (and the resource handout).

Finals study tips (Fall 2023) 

Tutor Iowa’s Academic Tips Worksheets 

Active Reading (worksheet)

Note Taking (worksheet)

Procrastination (worksheet) 

Sports and Recreation

On-Campus Transportation and Housing