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- Family, Community, and Social Support Track
Family, Community, and Social Support Track
Family, Community, and Social Support Track
The Family, Community and Social Support track focuses on human relations effectiveness in the social service sector. It explores mechanisms for the exchange of assistance through social relationships, especially as they relate to home, school, and community improvement.
The track requires 12 s.h. of foundation course work and 18 s.h. of upper-level course work (courses numbered 3000 - 4999) offered by distance education.
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Foundation course work—Must complete 12 s.h.
- AFAM:2500 Black Culture and Experience: Contemporary Issues (3 s.h.)
- ANTH:2100 Anthropology and Contemporary World Problems (3 s.h.)
- ANTH:2165/AMST:2165/NAIS:2165 Native Peoples of North America (3 s.h.)
- ASP:1800/CSD:1800/NURS:1800/SSW:1800/TR:1800 Aging Matters: Introduction to Gerontology (3 s.h.)
- COMM:2070 Social Media and Society
- POLI:1800 Introduction to the Politics of Class and Inequality (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:1075 Educational Psychology and Measurement (3 s.h.)
- RELS:2000 Engaging Religious Diversity for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (3 s.h.)
- RELS:2852/GWSS:2052 Women in Islam and the Middle East (3 s.h.)
- RHET:2135/SJUS:2135 Rhetorics of Diversity and Inclusion(3 s.h.)
- SOC:1010 Introduction to Sociology (3 s.h.)
- SOC:1310/GWSS:1310 Gender and Society (3 s.h.)
- SOC:2710 The American Family (3 s.h.)
- STAT:1020/PSQF:1020 Elementary Statistics and Inference (3 s.h.)
Upper-level course work—Must complete 18 s.h.
- ASP:3135 /GHS:3050 /SSW:3135 Global Aging (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- CRIM:3250 Drugs, Deviance, and Social Control (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- CSED:4132 Introduction to Addictions and Impulse Control Disorders (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4145/ PSQF:4145 Marriage and Family Interaction (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- CSED:4162/PSQF:4162 Introduction to Couple and Family Therapy (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4173 Trauma Across the Lifespan (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4176 Child Abuse: Assessment, Intervention, and Advocacy (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4179 Sexuality Within the Helping Professions (3 s.h.)
- CSED:4194 Interpersonal Effectiveness (3 s.h.)
- EALL:4130/MUSM:4150 Introduction to Grant Writing (3 s.h.)
- EDTL:4900 Foundations of Special Education (3 s.h.)
- EDTL:4940 Characteristics of Disabilities (3 s.h.)
- HHP:4030 Social Determinants of Health (3 s.h.) *NEW* effective Summer 2025
- MGMT:3500/ENTR:3595/MUSM:3500/NURS:3595/RELS:3700/SSW:3500 Nonprofit Organizational Effectiveness I (3 s.h.)
- PHIL:3920 Philosophy in Public (2, 3 s.h.)
- PSQF:3104 Multicultural Issues in Counseling and Psychology (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:4134/EDTL:4934 Parent-Teacher Communication (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:4136/EDTL:4936 Home/School/Community Partnerships (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:4143/STAT:4143 Introduction to Statistical Methods (3 s.h.)
- SSW:3712/NURS:3712 Human Sexuality, Diversity, and Society (3 s.h.)
- SSW:3729 Substance Use and Abuse (3 s.h.)
- SSW:3797 Child Welfare Policy and Practice (3 s.h.)
- SSW:4700 Motivational Interviewing in Diverse Application (3 s.h.)