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- Bachelor of Liberal Studies
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- Health and Human Studies Track
Health and Human Studies Track
The Global Studies track enables students to understand global issues and perspectives.
The track requires 12 s.h. of foundation course work and 18 s.h. of upper-level course work (courses numbered 3000 or above) offered by distance education.
Please click the course link to view the distance education offering in MyUI/Courses. If MyUI displays "no course is found" then a distance education section is not being offered in the semester you searched. Use the “Session” drop-down list to change the semester you are viewing.
Foundation course work—Must complete 12 s.h.
- ANTH:2100 Anthropology and Contemporary World Problems (3 s.h.)
- ANTH:2261 Human Impacts on the Environment (3 s.h.)
- ARTH:1040 Arts of Africa (3 s.h.)
- ARTH:1070/CHIN:1070 Asian Art and Culture (3 s.h.)
- CBE:2040 Environment, Energy, and Climate Change (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:1181/GHS:1181 Ancient Medicine (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:1840 Roman Civilization (3 s.h.)
- ECON:1200 Principles of Macroeconomics (4 s.h.)
- EES:1040 Evolution and the History of Life (3 s.h.)
- FREN:1006 Global Sports and National Cultures (3 s.h.)
- HRTS:2115/IS:2115 Introduction to Human Rights (3 s.h.)
- IS:2020 World Events Today! (3 s.h.)
- POLI:1400 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 s.h.)
- POLI:1500 Introduction to International Relations (3 s.h.)
- POLI:1501 Introduction to American Foreign Policy (3 s.h.)
- RELS:1015 Global Religious Conflict and Diversity (3 s.h.)
- RELS:1130/HIST:1030 Introduction to Islamic Civilization (3 s.h.)
- RELS:2852/GWSS:2052 Women in Islam and the Middle East (3 s.h.)
- STAT:1020/PSQF:1020 Elementary Statistics and Inference (3.s.h.)
- OR STAT:1030 Statistics for Business (4 s.h.)
- World Languages General Education Courses (up to 6 s.h.)
Upper-level course work—Must complete 18 s.h.
- ANTH:3278 Archaeology of Ancient Cities (3 s.h.)
- ASP:3135/GHS:3050/SSW:3135 Global Aging (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:3235/ANTH:3276 Greek Archaeology and Ethnohistory (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:3240/ANTH:3277 Roman Archaeology (3 s.h.)
- CLSA:3596/ANTH:3275 The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (3 s.h.)
- EES:3210 Principles of Paleontology (3 s.h.)
- ENTR:4460 Entrepreneurship and Global Trade (3 s.h.)
- GHS:3560 Global Garbage and Global Health (3 s.h.)
- GHS:3850/HHP:3850 Promoting Health Globally (3 s.h.)
- GHS:4002 Working in Global Health (3 s.h.)
- OEH:4240 Global Environmental Health (3 s.h.)
- POLI:3405 Authoritarian Politics (3 s.h.)
- POLI:3503 Politics of Terrorism (3 s.h.)
- POLI:3505 Civil Wars (3 s.h.)
- PSQF:4143/STAT:4143 Introduction to Statistical Methods (3 s.h.)
- RCE:4194 Interpersonal Effectiveness (3 s.h.)/New Course Department Effective Fall 2022 CSED:4194
- RCE:4197 Citizenship in a Multicultural Society (3 s.h.)/New Course Department Effective Fall 2022 CSED:4197
- RELS:3855/IS:3855 Human Rights and Islam (3 s.h.)
- SOC:3510 Medical Sociology (3 s.h.)
- SOC:4225 The Social Psychology of Leadership (3 s.h.)